This Micro Processor Controller & UV Ballast is suitable all Kent Water Purifiers namely Kent Grand, Kent Pearl, Kent Maxx, Kent Ace, Kent Ace Plus, Kent Super Plus, Kent Pride, Kent Superb, Kent Wonder, Kent Pristine| models etc. It is one to one exact fit in the above mentioned models. It is suitable for New kent models also. This component controls and coordinates the activities and function of various electrical components in Kent Machine. Suitable for RO, RO UV, RO UV UF, RO UV, UV UF models of Kent Water Purifiers. This component carries a warranty of One year against any manufacturing defect or faulty piece. Manufactured in India by Aquadyne. It can be easily fitted by customer himself through our tele and video support.
Video guidance for this component available at following url link : -
Note : - The component displayed herein are neither manufactured by Kent nor endorsed by Kent. The word Kent is used here for identification that the offered component is compatible with the mentioned model. The word Kent is used under Section 30(2)(d) of Indian Trademarks Act, 1999 of permissible fair use to indicate that components are so adapted to the relevant model of Kent water purifiers.