This Filter is suitable for the Pre Filter bowl of Aquaguard & Zero B Water Purifiers. This filter is of 5 micron pore size i.e. 5000 nano meter. Once installed this filter completely stops all the silt/sand/rust particles from entering the water purifier. This Pre Filter Cartridge is specifically suitable for the Pre Filter bowl of Aquaguard and Zero B only, in which threaded PP Spun are installed. Installing of this cartridge ensures all the silt/sand/rust particles are stops at the thresh-hold before entering the water purifier thus enhancing the life of the Filter cartridges fitted inside the Water Purifier. For any questions or clarification kindly contact on 09728755877 or write to help@aquadyne.in
- Suitable for Aquaguard/Zero B Pre Filter - Specifically for Aquaguard Nova/Aquaguard Reviva/ Zero B Water Purifiers
- High Weight density of 110 gms/pc
- Made from certified IS Grade Food Grade material
- Includes Five Threaded PP Spun as displayed in the product image
- Change your pre filter cartrdges every 1 to 2 months
- This filter is a consumable part and therefore no warranty on the same.
- This Filter Kit is neither manufactured by Aquaguard nor endorsed by Aquaguard. The word Aquaguard is used here for identification that the offered filter kit is compatible with the mentioned model. The word Aquaguard is used under Section 30(2)(d) of Indian Trademarks Act, 1999 of permissible fair use to indicate that filter cartridges are so adapted to the relevant model of Aquaguard water purifiers.